IGNOU Grade Card and Status 2024.

Updated on 18-December-2024

What is IGNOU Grade Card ?
IGNOU Grade card is considered as the Marksheet of student which shows the Assignment/ Practical/ Theory/ Project marks/ Grade in a consolidated form, this status can be checked online at University website. Online IGNOU Grade Card Status consists of  Assignment Mark, Results (Marks) of Theory Examination, Practical Marks (If applicable to subject) and Project Marks (If applicable to programme). 

In IGNOU Grade Card, status is displayed in the percentage format. Once the IGNOU Result is published, it may take few days to show the mark/ grade in the Grade Card status electronically. Now a days IGNOU send the printed Grade Card/ Mark sheet after the successfully completion of entire programme. Recently in Year 2022 IGNOU has changed the format of grade card and has added the emblem of  "A++ Certification of NAAC" and changed the layout too. 

Link to Check Grade Card status on IGNOU website (NEW LINK - with or without Percentage Calculator)

IGNOU Grade card is updated on FCFS (First Come First Serve) basis by the IGNOU SED. IGNOU Grade card is designed either in Grading evaluation System or in Marking evaluation system. For a programme which is based on Grading system (A, B, C, D, E) and instead of grade if numerical marks is received from evaluator then it is converted into Grading architecture and then is put in Grade card.

The Assignment marks, theory exam marks, practical exam marks etc are updated as and when it is received from Study Center, Regional Evaluation Center, Regional Center respectively. It contains percentage of mark obtained by student for Programme having Mark Evaluation System. Re-evaluation link has been opened for the June 2023 Learners. IGNOU has started the updation of assignment marks of December 2023 session in the grade card.

IGNOU Grade card database updated on 12 December 2024.
IGNOU Exam Result Click here
Apply for IGNOU Convocation Click here


Click here to download IGNOU ID Card.

Click here to know the use of Calculator in IGNOU Exam.

What programmes have Grading System in IGNOU ?
In letter grading system, the level of performance is judged in terms of "Letter Grade" i.e., A, B, C, D or E depending on the performance of the students.  In order to complete the term-end examination successfully student need to get minimum score. Few Programmes under grading system are MADE, MP, MBA, BED, CIG, DCE, MAEDU etc


IGNOU Grade Card link and Percentage Calculator given below
Students who have submitted their assignment or got theory examination exam result can use the IGNOU percentage calculator to know their mark percentage they have obtained. Since the percentage calculation is based on waightage so easy calculator was designed. After the IGNOU TEE examinations are completed, the IGNOU grade card is released. Students can use the readymade calculator to know their percentage. Click here to access IGNOU percentage calculator.

ignou grade card status    IGNOU NEW GRADE CARD LINK

IGNOU Grade Card Link (with % Calculator) Link - 1
IGNOU Grade Card Link Link - 2
IGNOU Assignment status Click Here
IGNOU Exam result Click Here

IGNOU Grade card updation is a continuous process where the mark is updated online as and when it is received from Regional Evaluation Centre (REC) for term end Theory exam Result and from RC for Assignment / Practical / Project marks. SED is resonsible for Grade card updation and maintenance.

We will be updating our students on any news and announcement made by the university regarding the grade card. Student those who have applied for the Early Declaration then you can check your updated grade card status for the current session.

Many MP ( Management Programme ) students are confused about the minimum passing percentage combination of assignment and theory in online IGNOU grade card. It is informed that Garde A  in Assignment and Garde D in Theory combination is minimum passing percentage for Management Programme (MP).

For BTS programme for foundation courses: in the grade card status minimum marks required for passing is 35%.

The University does not issue year-wise or semester-wise Grade Card or Statement of Marks but issues a comprehensive Grade Card/ Statement of Marks after successful completion of the programme.

Know why your grade card is showing Not Completed ?
Sometimes student may see the “Not Completed status” in grade card for one or several papers. Student need not worry about that. Student should be able to understand the reason for such incomplete status. The reason may be non-submission of assignment, or not writing theory exam or practical exam etc. But if you have submitted assignment and still not reflecting then you can wait for some time, still if the condition persist same then you may contact your study centre.

Down of page you will find some Short Question Answer (FAQ)  for your quick understanding.

IGNOU Grade Card - New Format from year 2022 onwards


How to Understand format of IGNOU Grade card ?
Standard format of IGNOU Grade Card consists of mainly  4 component in it. These are

1.Assignment Component. To Know more about assignment visit "Assignment" menu.
2.Practical / Lab Component
3.Project / Dissertation Component.
4.Theory Term End Exam result Component.

Some programme may have only Theory and Practical while some may have Project/ Dissertation also, which can be confirmed from its Programme guide.

Apart from above academic credential the IGNOU grade card displays the name of student, enrollment number and programme code. In the grade card the course code (as per the admission) is added as and when student write the term end examination. For the newly admitted student grade card is not generated untill She/ he submits assignment or write exam.

• Any component which is not applicable to the programme is left as BLANK in the grade card.
• Passing percentage differs from programme to programme, refer your programme guide.
• Generally the passing percentage* is 40% in each component.

*For some course passing percentage is 35%.

Click Here   to see the IGNOU Hall Ticket And Date Sheet for Theory Examination.

What is the meaning of "COMPLETED" in IGNOU grade card?
In Grade Card each row shows the result and status of a Course Code (eg BCS12, ESO5, BSHF101 etc) .
If the status of a row is “COMPLETED” it means that particular course code is successfully completed by learner.
If the status of a row is “NOT COMPLETED” it can have any of below reasons
    •Assignment mark/ grade  is missing.
    •Theory TEE result mark is missing.
    •Term End Practical mark is missing (if applicable to that course).
    •Obtained failed mark in Assignment/ Theory/ Practical/ Project.

What is IGNOU Grading and Marking Scheme ?
The level of performance may be judged in terms of "Letter Grade" i.e., A, B, C, D or E depending on the performance of the students. IGNOU follows both Grading (A,B,C,D,E)  and Marking ( 60, 70 etc any numerical figure) system to assess its learner depending on the programme.
Programmes like MBA(MP), B.Ed, MAEDU, PGDET etc have Grading system, while BA,MEG, MCA, BCA, MSO etc have Marking system.
Table for Letter Grading System for evaluation.

Letter Grade Meaning Point Grade
A - Grade Excellent 5 (Five)
B - Grade Very Good 4 (Four)
C - Grade Good 3 (Three)
D - Grade Average 2 (Two)
E - Grade Unsatisfactory 1 (One)

As per UGC-CBCS Guidelines IGNOU uses following 10-Point Grading System for Bachelor Degree Programmes under CBCS:

Letter 10 Point grade Percentage
O (Outstanding) 10 >= 85
A+ (Excellent) 9 >= 75 to < 85
A (Very Good) 8 >=65 to < 75
B+ (Good) 7 >=55 to < 65
B (Above Average) 6 >=50 to < 55
C (Average) 5 >=40 to < 50
D (Pass) 4 >=35 to < 40
F (Fail) 0 < 35
Ab (Absent) 0 Absent


How to Calculate Percentage in IGNOU Grade Card ?
Percentage is calculated in IGNOU Grade Card based on weightage of Assignment Marks and Term End Theory Exam marks. Assignment has weightage of 30% and Term End Theory Exam has 70% weightage. Below is the manual method to calculate your IGNOU percentage also you can click here for readymade calculator.
Method Explained with example:
Suppose You have a Course/Paper named as FST-01 and You have scored 80 marks in Assignment and 60 marks in Theory exam.
Step 1:  Take the marks of first column which contains assignment marks. Now calculate 30% of it. 30% of 80 Marks = 24 Marks.
Step 2 : Take the marks of “Term End Theory” from the second last column, Now calculate 70% of it. 70% of 60 Marks = 42 Marks.
Step 3 : Add both above marks , that is 24 + 42 = 66 Marks.
Hence your percentage for FST 01 Paper will be 66%. Similarly, You can calculate for each paper and finally you can find out your overall passing Percentage.
Note : Please pay attention toward assignment and try to score maximum marks in Assignment as it will help to fetch overall good percentage.

Any UG or PG student who has completed the first year exam can apply for re-registration (RR). student who has missed to write Term End Exam can refer the guidelines for the same.

IGNOU Grade Card/ Provisional Certificate Despatch / Return Status.
IGNOU Grade Card dispatch status can be seen only after you have completed the programme successfully. IGNOU dispatches the Grade Card and provisional certificate  (GCPC) once a learner completes the programme successfully. The Learners can check the despatch / return status of GCPC online. Click here to check the IGNOU GRADE CARD return / dispatch status.

Short Question Answer (FAQ) related to IGNOU Grade Card

Question. What is IGNOU grade card ?
Answer. Grade card is considered as the Marksheet of student which shows the Assignment/ Practical/ Theory/ Project marks/ Grade in a consolidated form
Question. When is IGNOU grade card is generated for new student ?
Answer. Grade Card is generated when any assignment / Theory result is declared.
Question. Why is IGNOU grade card showing “Not Completed”  ?
Answer. Fail mark or missing mark in assignment/ Theory / Practical / Project leads to status as “Not Completed”.
Question. When is IGNOU grade to be updated after theory exam ?
Answer. After declaration of exam result it may take nearly 10 – 15 days to reflect in the Grade card.
Question. Is IGNOU online grade card final or indicative ?
Answer. It is indicative but 99.99% it is final.
Question. Can the Marks in IGNOU grade card be changed after completion of course ?
Answer. No. it cannot be changed.
Question. What to do in case of lost of IGNOU grade card ?
Answer. You can apply for duplicate grade card by paying nominal fee.


You May Like to Visit Some Useful Links
Click Here for  IGNOU Exam Hall Ticket and Date Sheet - June / December.
Click Here to watch Video Tutorial related to IGNOU Student Support Services.
Click Here for IGNOU Assignment Submission Status.
Click Here for IGNOU Exam (TEE ) Results.
Click Here to Check Calendar of IGNOU Student Activity for  Assignment, Exam etc.

Click Here for IGNOU Practical Exam.

Click here for IGNOU admission and re-registration status.

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